Disney Shanghai Scalping

Scalpers continue to push the price up for tickets to Shanghai Disneyland on the secondary market two months before the park officially opens.

All tickets for opening day sold out in five minutes, and resales for those tickets are going for as high as $816 on the e-commerce platform Taobao and the micro-blogging website Sina Weibo. A vendor from Shanghai told AsiaOne that he managed to buy 10 tickets with his wife on the legitimate website authorized by Disney and has so far has been offered prices up to double what he paid.

Shanghai Disney Resort has said that it is taking “various measures” to prevent scalping and the “sale of fraudulent tickets,” and is encouraging consumers to buy tickets only from authorized sales outlets.

All dealers will sell a maximum of five tickets to each buyer and are now issuing ID cards that have to be produced when entering the park with the tickets, along with a personal ID. This means if more than one ticket is sold to an individual, all those ticketholders must enter the park with that person.