German Venue Award Calls For Applications

For the fourth time, the Applaus will be awarded to independent venues in Germany, Oct. 24. 

Overall, euro 900,000 will be handed out to the winners. Applaus is hosted by the federal government’s funding agency, Initiative Musik, an interest group called BKJazz and LiveKomm, the country’s venue association.

The prize is meant to raise awareness for the importance of small and medium-sized independent venues in Germany and support their work with funds.

Most money is allocated to the venues that regularly host live music events, meaning more than once a week. Last year, 64 venues in total received an Applaus.

Cologne’s Gebäude 9 and Leipzig’s UT Connewitz both won in the venue of the year category. Venues and promoters working in concert halls with a capacity of up to 1,000 can now apply for the award at