Spanish Ticket Fraudster Arrested

 A 47-year-old Spaniard sold tickets to fictitious concerts all over Andalusia.

According to police statements obtained by Europapress, the fraudster posed as big shot promoter – including false documentation – representing popular Latin American acts.

Under this guise he reportedly hired venues, promising to pay the rent after the concerts were completed – concerts he was never going to promote in the first place. He still “obtained the maximum benefit from the sale of tickets” to unsuspecting buyers, the report states

. After “several months” of investigation, Spanish police “identified, located, and arrested the person inside a bar in the Sevillian Macarena district.”

Even then he claimed to be somebody else, producing false documents. He was imprisoned. It is unclear how much jail time he will face. According to ABCdeSevilla, he has a criminal record involving false identities and prison sentences.