Fusion Taking A Break

The German festival known as Fusion won’t happen in 2017. Its promoters want to take some time out to rework the concept and make changes to the site.  

Fusion is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Lärz, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Jun. 29 to Jul. 3. Festivalgoers could read the news in this year’s festival guides, as well as on their wristbands, where it says that the 21st edition will take place between June 27 and July 1, 2018. Martin Eulenhaupt, head of Kulturkosmosverein Müritz, the association promoting Fusion, told Nordkurier that his team wanted to “pause for breath” to reposition the event.

Fusion built a reputation for its dedication to establishing a parallel world on the former Russian military air base where it is taking place since 1997. Its motto is “four days of holiday communism,” a place “without constraints and controls.”

That’s on site, however. A couple of hundred meters down the road leading up to it, around 100 police and customs officials remind festivalgoers that a very different mindset dominates outside Fusion’s borders.