S.C. Coliseum Prepares To Reopen

Renovation of the  in Clemson, S.C., is expected to be completed for the 2016-2017 basketball season.

Photo: Katie McLean / The Independent-Mail via AP
Major renovations are under way at the Littlejohn Coliseum in Clemens, S.C., June 24. The arena is scheduled to reopen for the Clemson’s men’s and women’s 2016-2017 basketball season.

The arena opened in 1968 and renovations began in May 2015. The university reportedly remains under the $63.5 million budget for the endeavor.

The new layout has a 9,000-seat capacity with improved technology featuring large video boards, a new scoreboard, ribbon display boards, more than 100 television screens, and a new sound system.

Additional changes include retractable bleacher seating, club section premium seating and new lighting.

“I think we’ve done a great job,” associate athletic director of facilities management Joe Simon said. “I can’t think of anything else we wish we could have done that we weren’t able to do with the budget that we had.”