Michelle Shocked Comeback Collapsing?

Once an alternative darling, Michelle Shocked may have derailed some recent momentum after getting into a very public dispute with a musical collaborator and venue owner outside of a scheduled performance.

An article from the N.Y. based Times Union and a statement from Shocked’s website present substantially different in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. July 14, but there was a breakdown in the personal relationship between the singer/songwriter and her recent musical and business partner Josh Chambers. This led to reimbursements for those who had pre-ordered tickets to see her, and Chambers was expecting to play a free show without Shocked.

The songstress showed up though and began playing music in Chambers’ Jeep, and later, after police were called in, she hung up a banner and began performing outside the venue until the owner attempted to drown her out by blasting music out of a truck.

The aftermath from these events was ugly, as Shocked and Chambers entered into a Twitter war which only simmered down when Chambers deleted his account, saying “I just can’t respond in a civil manner.” 

Since the incident, her performance at  July 23 in the same town has been canceled. The first time, the venue said, it has ever axed a date. The July 14 show was supposed to be the second of three at Putnam Den, and the final one July 21 is definitely not happening.

After the run of New York shows, Shocked was scheduled to perform through August at Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland, and tickets to those gigs are still on sale according to her website.

Shocked alienated a large segment of her fan base while discussing her views on homosexuality in the middle of a gig in San Francisco several years ago.

Since then, she claims those statements were taken out of context. Numerous recordings of that event are on the internet.