Orlando Mayor Wants City To Buy Pulse Nightclub For Memorial

Orlando’s mayor says he wants the city to purchase the Pulse nightclub and create a permanent memorial for the 49 people who were killed there during a June shooting.

The Orlando Sentinel  reports that Mayor Buddy Dyer mentioned the city’s interest during a radio interview that aired Wednesday.

Dyer said he’d like the gay nightclub to remain in its current state for the near future, continuing to act as a temporary memorial as people come from around the world to pay their respects.

Pulse spokeswoman Sara Brady says the club’s owner has met with city officials, but talks were preliminary.

Photo: AP Photo/Alan Diaz
Bree Balchunas, left, and Amy Semesco, pay tribute to the victims of the mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub.

Besides those killed, another 53 people were wounded during the June 12 attack. Gunman Omar Mateen was killed in a shooting with police.