Riot Fest Co-Founder Sean McKeough Dies

Sean McKeough, partner, co-founder and producer of Riot Fest, died Nov. 29. Cause of death was unknown at press time.

He was called “an entrepreneur, musician and tireless supporter of the Chicago music scene” by the Chicago Tribune and was co-owner of the city’s Cobra Music record label.

“Sean was Riot Fest’s pillar of strength,” Michael “Riot Mike” Petryshyn, partner of Riot Fest, said in a statement. “I loved him. I admired him.  And to lose him is a lonely and barren feeling.  I miss my friend immensely.  Without Sean and his belief that a little fest could make a positive impact on people’s lives by doing things differently and left of the dial, Riot Fest would have never become such an intimate family.  His Herculean-sized heart and volition made that all possible.  Anyone lucky enough to have witnessed his kindness and compassion knows Sean’s muddy work boots will never be filled.  It’s impossible… he cared when no one else did.  He worked when no one else did. And, he believed in Riot Fest when no one else did.”