Tokyo Dance A First For Japan

The Tokyo Dance Music Event, which takes place Dec. 1 and 2 in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, is being publicized as the “first-ever international electronic music conference in Japan.”  

The goal, according to organizers, is to “foster collaboration and … relationships to build a strong, vibrant and sustainable electronic music scene.” The conferences on Dec. 1 will focus on the club and live music scenes, including touring and festivals.

On Dec. 2, the concentration is on “music marketing, subscription streaming, and new revenue models in Asia.”

Speakers will include representatives from the major live music promoters, such as Smash and Creativeman, executives from the major labels, club managers and artists such as Zeebra and Bryan Burton-Lewis. There are also related performances by Giorgio Moroder, Ken Ishii, Seiho and many others.