AEG Pitches KeyArena Plan

Newman told the Seattle Times Jan. 11 his company would submit a proposal to renovate the 55-year-old facility. AEG has managed marketing for the 15,500-capacity KeyArena since 2008 and has seen it become a money-making facility for the city with annual net revenues between $309,000 and $1.2 million.

AP Photo /, Jordan Stead
– Phish
KeyArena at Seattle Center, Seattle, Wash.

The Request for Proposals issued by the city states that any renovation would have to assume KeyArena receives landmark status and that its distinctive roof could remain intact.

The RFP also indicated KeyArena could be demolished if landmark status is denied, the paper reported.

The city says all construction would have to be private. The developer would then enter into a lease arrangement with the city. RFPs are due by April 12, after which the city would review and possibly approve any feasible proposals by summer.

Newman said AEG is ready to meet the city’s requests and that the arena’s current size won’t delay plans for a venue of roughly 17,000 seats for the NBA or NHL, the Times said.
