Ultra Music To Australia, India

Ultra Music is heading to Australia and India, the mega-EDM festival announced over the weekend from Miami.  

Ultra Music Festival
The Miami Herald, Al Diaz/AP
– Ultra Music Festival
Bayfront Park, Miami.

On the second day of the festival, behind a background of LED lights flashing out the red white and blue colors of the Australian flag, Ultra “voice” Damien Pinto announced, “Australia has just joined our global family! Give it up for our Aussie fans!”

The move comes at a time a number of major Australian EDM festivals – such as Future Music, Stereosonic and Summadayze – either folded or went on hiatus.

There is no official word on Ultra’s website but media speculation has it being staged in 2018. Ultra Music was intended to arrive Down Under in 2014, but that year its global rollout stopped at South Africa, Colombia, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan and Paraguay.

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A March 24 live stream from Ultra also indicated that it would head for the first time to two Indian cities, New Delhi and Mumbai. India has a huge EDM following, with local festivals including Sunburn drawing up to 495,000 in past years.

Dates are already set for Ultra’s 20th anniversary in Miami: March 23-25, 2018, at Bayfront Park.