Live Nation’s Pino Sagliocco Comments On Manchester Attack

I have a 10-year-old son and a daughter and I wanted to release this personal statement about the tragic attack in Manchester. 

Live Nation Spain Chairman Pino Sagliocco receives the Italian Cavaliere (Knight) of the Order of the Star. To the right of the promoter is Italian consul general Stefano Nicoletti.

To clarify, this is a personal statement, not a statement from me as Chairman of LN Spain.

My heart is broken. Eight years old; her first concert; yesterday should have been her “Big Day.”

I can still see her counting down the months, the weeks, the days, the hours, the minutes … waiting with impatience and bursting with excitement at the fact that her idol was at last coming to her hometown…

The present of a lifetime; going to the show with her parents and her friends … “How much longer” “When are we leaving”, “Hurry up, we don’t want to be late” …

I can imagine her every night, looking at the poster on her bedroom wall with mounting anticipation…unable to sleep for the excitement, dreaming about seeing her idol in the flesh… close enough to touch.

Eight years old… Surrounded by so many other fans who like her, went to this show full of joy and anticipation.

I consider this massacre to be an attack on that which we hold most sacred: Family, freedom, the right to be happy and to enjoy life in peace, an attack on the hopes of so many whose dreams were about to be made real by this show.

There is no justice. It’s an abhorrence to take the lives of innocents in this way.

Shameless cowards, nothing can justify your hate. Now more than ever, we must work together to ensure that this never happens again. Never!

For the memory of Saffie Rose Roussos and all those killed alongside her, along with all the injured whose lives will remain scarred by this tragedy…

Terror will never triumph over hope. All together. Never again.

See Also: Industry Reacts To Manchester