City Blames Suit For Pier Six Shortfall


Pier Six Concert Pavilion – Pier Six Concert Pavilion

The Baltimore Development Corporation says the suit has “materially disrupted” sponsorships, premium seat sales, bookings and other activities at the concert venue in documents recently submitted to the city’s Board of Estimates, according to the Baltimore Sun.

AEG Live Mid-Atlantic filed suit in December claiming the city participated in “illegalities and improprieties” in awarding the contract to rivals SMG and Live Nation. AEG won a temporary stay in January that prevented SMG from immediately working at the venue, which was lifted on appeal a month later.

BDC Vice President Kimberly Clark told the paper that the SMG/Live Nation deal has been a “winner” for the city, which plans to amend the contract with the operators to allow for a lower payment. She added the companies will be expected to make full payments in the future.

“We know it will still be significantly more than the previous operators,” Clark told the Sun.

The dispute centers on the bidding process, which AEG Mid-Atlantic President Bill Reid criticized as favoring SMG and Live Nation, calling it “fishy” and adding it “could be a case of contract steering.”

The appeal process continues, and the city “is optimistic that a favorable resolution will be achieved,” according to documents quoted by the Sun.