ILMC Launches Event Safety & Security Summit

A one-day Event Safety & Security Summit aims to bring together some 200 professionals from the live entertainment and security sectors at the Intercontinental Hotel at

Martin Ingham
LinkedIn photo
– Martin Ingham

The Event Safety & Security Summit (E3S) is produced in collaboration with the European Arenas Association (EAA) and the National Arenas Association (NAA). Other theatre and venue organizations and live event security companies are said to contribute as well.

The full agenda of E3S, which consists of practical presentations, panel discussions and keynote addresses, will be announced in August. EAA president Brian Kabatznick said it joined the conference “with the intention of providing our venues, staff, guests and tenants with the appropriate procedures and methods to safeguard our facilities and events.”

NAA chair Martin Ingham said it was “imperative that we continually and collectively identify and understand best practice in these areas and E3S gives us precisely this opportunity alongside other venues and industry experts.” International Live Music Conference head Greg Parmley added: “We’re inviting anyone who can contribute to this open, focused dialogue to get in touch via [email protected].”