Edinburgh Festival Installs Anti-Terrorism Barriers

The organizers of Edinburgh Festival Fringe set up barriers to prevent vehicles from running into crowds at this year’s event, which takes place in the Scottish capital Aug. 4-28. 

Edinburgh Police Barriers
– Edinburgh Police Barriers
for Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland

Edinburgh’s police force explains on Facebook: “Following recent attacks in London and Manchester, Police Scotland have been reviewing security arrangements for this year’s events with our partners, including the The City of Edinburgh Council, The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo and Edinburgh International Festival/Fringe.

“Following this review Police Scotland, in collaboration with the City of Edinburgh Council, submitted a request for the deployment of the National Barrier Asset (NBA) at certain city centre locations for the duration of the Festival and Fringe.

“The NBA is a temporary deployed system including high security gates, portals and barriers, which are designed to prevent hostile vehicle attacks on key or busy crowded place locations. Some of the equipment used is shown in the images attached.”

The post also states “there is no specific intelligence at this time to suggest that this year’s events are at risk from a terrorist attack.” Edinburgh Festival Fringe is one of the biggest arts festivals and largest ticketed events in the world. It’s not the first time police are deploying barriers. According to the Edinburgh division, “the NBA has been utilized extensively in the UK this year at other major events including Wimbledon and the European Cup Final in Cardiff.”