CAA’s Next Generation Boldly Goes On

Now in its fourth year, Creative Artists Agency’s CAA Amplify: Next Gen conference will be held Oct. 7 at the company’s Los Angeles headquarters.
This invitation-only event follows up CAA Amplify, which was held in June this year. CAA: Next Gen was previously known as “You’re Up” and is “designed to foster the development of future diverse industry leaders.”
Enso co-founder Sebastian Buck, Mayfield Fund founder Tim Change, Warner Chappell Music CEO/Chairman Jon Platt and others will appear at the event. Topics for discussion will include authenticity and reinvention, management and leadership.
“This event builds upon the great momentum from CAA Amplify, focusing on the next generation of remarkable leaders across various industries, helping to accelerate their professional and personal growth and build meaningful relationships that we hope will lead to new business opportunities,” CAA exec Ruben Garcia said.