Former Live Nation Exec Exposed As Voyeur

Live Nation’s former VP of finance and strategic initiatives based in London, Andrew Macrae, was caught allegedly indecently filming a woman on the train by an off-duty police officer in London, July 19 and has been let go by the company. 

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The officer reportedly caught Macrae placing a pen with filming capabilities in a laptop bag between an unsuspecting woman’s legs on the train floor. This sparked a search of Macrae’s home, where a lot more voyeuristic material was confiscated.

All in all, police say they found some 49,000 images, including secret video recordings of Macrae’s female neighbor. According to the London Evening Standard, Macrae, a married father, pleaded guilty to seven counts of voyeurism for the purpose of sexual gratification as well as one count of outraging public decency.

Macrae had been working at Live Nation since 2014. 

The entertainment giant confirmed that the perpetrator has been fired: “We can confirm that these charges have been made against the individual personally and that he was terminated by Live Nation Entertainment in July 2017 following his arrest.  

“Live Nation strongly condemns Macrae’s acts and is outraged by his offensive and criminal behavior which has no place at our company, city or the world at large,” the Live Nation statement provided to Pollstar continues.

Further comment wasn’t possible, as the matter is still before the courts. Macrae’s sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 7 in London.

The news comes at a time when women have been speaking out against sexual assault and harassment, with high-profile Hollywood actresses accusing entertainment mogul Harvey Weinstein of lewd acts.

A #MeToo social media campaign has taken off, with women everywhere making stories of harassment and assault public. DJ The Gaslamp Killer was recently accused of drugging and raping two women in 2013, leading to show cancellations. The DJ has denied the allegations.