#LightItInRed: 1,000 UK Buildings & Monuments To Be Illuminated Red

"Light It In Red"
– “Light It In Red”
The UK follows Germany with a campaign meant to highlight the dire straits the live events business finds itself in.

Dubbed as a “direct action lighting protest,” scheduled for Monday, July 6, the UK is going to partake in a campaign meant to highlight the dire situation of the country’s live events sector.

Unter the hashtag “Light It In Red,” the plan is to illuminate up to 1,000 buildings and monuments in red – following the “Night Of Light,” which took place across Germany (and some places in Austria and Switzerland) on June 22.
The UK has currently not set a date for live events, including shows, festivals and performances, etc. to restart. According to the UK’s 
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, the creative sector, which includes live entertainment, music, events, theatre, performance, and the arts generates around £110 billion ($136 billion) annually for the country’s economy.
#LightItInRed initiators, Steven Haynes from Clearsound Productions and Phillip Berryman from The Backstage Theatre Jobs Forum, stated that the target was to get “1,000 buildings and monuments, etc.” lit up in red all around the UK.
They published a call for participation addressing the UK’s lighting, laser, AV, and video companies and individuals, who are involved in events, theatre, performance, and live production.
“Anyone with access to a light source who can register to be part of this highly significant action,” as the call for action states.
Like all over the world, in the UK, “venues are shuttered, companies and suppliers are closed with employees furloughed or laid off, tens of thousands of self-employed freelancers have not been eligible for any of the government Covid-19 related financial assistance schemes,” according to the #LightItInRed campaign announcement.
The Gaskessel in Augsburg, Germany
– The Gaskessel in Augsburg, Germany
Illuminated in red on June 22.

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