‘Do Not Abandon Us’ Live Industry Urges Congress In Joint Letter

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A coalition of groups representing North American agents, venues, production companies and other businesses wrote a letter to Congress on Sept. 16 imploring the representatives to provide federal aid immediately.

The letter is signed by ExtendPUA.org International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, League of Historic American Theaters, Live Events Coalition, The Main Street Alliance, National Association of Theatre Owners, National Independent Talent Organization, and National Independent Venue Association.

“You must act NOW. Please do not abandon us,” the letter reads. “We cannot wait for more assistance. The performance of the stock market doesn’t reflect the reality that many of our businesses and workers are on the brink of bankruptcy. State reopening plans have left us behind.”

The full text of the letter is available here.

The message is the latest in a series of cries out from the live industry, calling for aid to support businesses whose primary source of income has been completely cut off during the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter cites statistics that 95% of live events have been canceled and the industry has lost 75% of its revenue during the mandated shutdown, but these institutions have not been made whole.

Recently venues across the country participated in a Red Alert Day of Action, illuminating thousands of buildings in red to draw attention to the plight of the live industry.