Watch: The Gingerbread Roadies Are Coming (With A Cause)

Lighting and video pro Brent Sandrock has combined his talents in video production, concert production and baking (??) to spread awareness for the #WeMakeEvents campaign and the upcoming LEVL UP Fest, with an impressive and lighthearted video about one crew that can still get the job done.
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“Brent designed, baked, created, staged, shot and edited this all in his basement,” explains friend and colleague Robb Jibson, who shared the video with Pollstar. “The gimmick is that it is a scale model in a basement on the NW side of Chicago! Everything from the chair carts to the side projection screens. There are so many details included!”
LEVL UP Fest is set to livestream from the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville tomorrow, Dec. 16, starting at 8:30 EST. It will feature performances from Dave Matthews, Blake Shelton, Roger Daltrey, Jimmie Allen, Shy Carter, and Jason Mraz. All funds raised through LEVL Up Fest benefit The Roadie Clinic, MusiCares and the CMA Foundation. 
As is noted in the video, donations can be made to LEVL Up beneficiaries by texting “LIFTUP” to 707070.