Glasgow Focus Index Page
When we last took a close look at the state of play in the wonderful Scottish city of Glasgow in December 2018, the world of live was just about to enter one of the biggest years it has ever seen. A lot has happened since then, and our second Glasgow Focus comes at a time of great challenges, but also great success stories.
We’ve tried to capture it all in our special issue just published for subscribers (10/17/22), talking to all of the main players in the Glasgow live scene, who are animated by that same love of live that makes Scottish fans the best in the world by reputation.
On this page, you will find all the interviews as well as the main story to browse at your own leisure.
Main Story:
Making Up For Lost Time: Glasgow Is Back In Business

‘The Live Industry Has Truly Bounced Back’: Q’s With DF Concerts CEO Geoff Ellis
Pollstar put Glasgow into focus in this week’s issue, and spoke with the city’s main players in live entertainment. One of them is Geoff Ellis, CEO of DF Concerts, who’s had a record year 2022.

‘Live Music Is A Key Pillar Of Glasgow’s Plan’: Q’s With Glasgow Life’s Susan Deighan
Glasgow Life is one of Scotland’s largest charities. It delivers cultural, sporting and learning activities on behalf of Glasgow City Council, with the aim of making a positive impact on individuals, the communities in which they live and the city as a whole.
‘Business Is Back’: Q’s With Chris Loomes, Booker At King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut
Glasgow boast a wide variety of venues for all purposes. One of the most famous is King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, a 300-capacity grassroots music venue that has hosted an impressive list of superstars in its time, either on their way to stardom or returning as stars to play an intimate set. For our Glasgow Focus, Pollstar reached out to the venue’s booker Chris Loomes.

‘Tickets Are Selling Well Cross-Genre’: Q’s With Debbie McWilliams Of The SEC
Pollstar reached out to Debbie McWilliams, head of live entertainment at the Scottish Event Campus and its flagship building, the OVO Hydro. McWilliams talked about the fulminant return to live this industry has experienced, which wouldn’t have been possible without the fans, and looked ahead at the Hydro’s tenth anniversary, which is coming up next year.
‘Work Hard, Play Hard, Like Our Ancestors’: Q’s With Regular Music CEO Mark Mackie
Regular Music is Scotland’s longest-standing promoter, and one of the last remaining independents. Pollstar reached out to CEO Mark Mackie, to talk about the return to business as usual.