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Asia News: COVID Crowd Restrictions Lifted In Japan; BASE Partners In Singapore

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CARDI B ROLLING: Cardi B is one of the headliners of Thailand’s debut Rolling Loud festival, to take place at Legend Siam Amusement Park in Pattaya April 13-15.(Photo by Katja Ogrin/Redferns)


COVID Crowd Size Restrictions Lifted

The Japanese government on Jan. 28 advanced its post-COVID public gathering policy by lifting all restrictions on crowd sizes. The Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters concluded that “basic infection control measures had been widely established by event organizers,” and thus present government restrictions were no longer necessary, according to a report by the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper.

The new standards went into effect immediately, which means that as long as event organizers “implement basic infection control measures, there is no longer a limit on the number of spectators for sports events … as well as concerts and so on.”

Moreover, there will no longer be any restrictions on audience members showing their appreciation (or lack thereof) vocally. However, local governments are permitted to make their own standards as they see fit.

Previously, venues could allow 100% capacity for events only as long as they prohibited “cheering” and loud vocal expressions. Venues that did not set such prohibitions could only allow entrants up to 50% of capacity.

It should be noted that Japan has never implemented a lockdown with regards to pandemic measures, but only issued guidelines, albeit strict ones, to venues and businesses that cater to large groups.

For the most part, businesses as well as the public have adhered to these guidelines. Many commercial interests have urged the government to lift all restrictions so as to make Japan more inviting and accessible for foreign tourists, who, prior to the pandemic, were a huge source of revenue, especially for certain areas of the country.

For that reason, the government has also been urging the public to not wear masks anymore, at least outdoors, thinking that foreign tourists might be intimidated.

So far, the Japanese public, which tended to wear masks as a seasonal countermeasure to prevent colds and allergic reactions even before COVID, hasn’t really responded.


BASE Entertainment Partners With Trip.com

BASE Entertainment Asia, one of the region’s premiere live entertainment presenters, announced a partnership with travel service provider Trip.com, as its official regional ticketing partner for shows in 2023.

BASE Asia CEO Chantal Prudhomme stated, “We are proud to embark on this exciting partnership with Trip.com to further enhance regional ticket buyers’ experience to our selected shows. BASE is continually expanding its reach in the region and the synergy with Trip.com is an additional opportunity to increase our footprint.”

The first project of the partnership will be ticket sales for “Disney’s Frozen, the Hit Broadway Musical,” at the Sands Theater, Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, February 5 through March 19. s

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