Impact International UK/Euro: James Sandom
James Sandom
Managing Partner & UK Principal
Red Light Management

If the job satisfaction remains sky high, the rest tends to flow,” says James Sandom, Managing Partner and UK Principal at Red Light Management, “I’ve been an artist/writer/producer manager for 25 years, 2023 is the year I’m enjoying the progress, achievements and team dynamic within Red Light the most.”
People often say they’ll take it easier as they age. Sandom, however, in his 40s, “undoubtedly developed a burning desire to win, and an addiction to more business, more opportunity. By definition I may be a workaholic,” he says. “I’m very comfortable with that definition.”
To keep a cool head when dealing with the pressures, Sandom exercises and he’s “learned over time never to react in the heat of the moment.” What helps him overcome challenges is the “worldclass team around me in the Red Light London office — from more experienced collaborators to dedicated, passionate younger managers and day-to-days, grafting hard in the trenches. I value these people and the energy and different perspectives they give me enormously. We win together.”
Sandom was never drawn solely to commercial achievements. “Sometimes,” he says, “the creative wins or achievements in helping an artist overcome a difficult challenge or personal matter can be as much of a highlight on a managerial level as a bigger win. As a business, I’m proud we’ve helped deliver numerous artists, songwriters and producers this year to new commercial heights, and opened up new markets for a selection of clients. In parallel, I’m pleased to have helped a few individuals on a road to a better rhythm in life and back into a positive groove professionally.”
He says the music business in 2023 is “full of opportunity and innovation. Artists, songwriters, and producers have never had a louder voice; those working alongside them have never played a more significant role.”