The Revolution Will Be Tweeted

As most of the world sits back and watches the protests in Iran over last week’s election grow, Raam, frontman for New York City-based Iranian indie rockers Hypernova, is doing his part to make sure the story gets told.

The singer and the other members of the band, who are all originally from Tehran, were able to immigrate to the United States last year when their growing popularity here enabled them to keep scheduling shows and resulted in the continued extension of their work visas.

The group was formed in the late ’90s, during the term of Iranian president Mohammad Khatami, who made freedom of expression and tolerance the official policy, but found themselves at odds with the law after the cultural tide shifted.

Podi, Jam, Raam, Kodi, Kami

Rey Roldan, a publicist for the group, said that Raam, who along with the other members of the band goes by his first name only because of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s ban on Western music and fear of reprisals for their families still in Iran (including public flogging), has been functioning as a “news hub for thousands of Iranians.”

The singer has been using his Facebook page as a conduit for his family and Iranian fans to get their stories out of the country despite the crackdown on information by the government that includes arresting journalists, banning media coverage of the protests, threatening bloggers, trying to shut down social networking sites and even posting fake Twitter messages.

“Thanks to social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, the people now have a voice,” Raam said in a statement. “Every single person I have talked to is willing to risk their lives in the name of Freedom and Justice.

“The rest of the word has to follow the example of these brave people and stand strongly behind them so they don’t give up. There is no going back from here. And I’m afraid to say this but, even though the opposition is growing every day and has taken a complete nonviolent stance, there will be blood in the streets. The ruthless anti-riot police will resort to any kind of violence.

“But as Jim Morrison once said: ‘They got the guns but we got the numbers!’”

Although he admits that his current living situation places him somewhat outside the issue, he’s determined to make a difference in any way he can.

“It doesn’t impact me the way it has impacted the people on the streets,” he explained. “Those people are sacrificing their lives in the name of freedom, and my parents are among them, which has me very worried. To be honest I wish I was back home right now in the streets with them. I feel so powerless. I will continue to contribute as much as I can from overseas to the cause and get the word out to as many people as I can.”

And finally, Raam is asking for help from everyone, whether they’re inside Iran or not.

“We have to get the whole world united behind the Iranian people and let them know that they have our support. I also have contact to many journalists on the streets over there. If you know anyone who has witnessed anything, please put them in touch with me so I can direct them to the proper people.

“For people who are interested, please add me @ I am sharing a massive ton of information regarding the movement.”

For additional info on the unfolding drama in Iran visit any of these sites: