“I cussed at a lady named Mary, she wasn’t letting my friend into first class,” Love said late Tuesday as she left the police station near Heathrow airport, where she’d been arrested in the morning. “My daughter always said I had a potty mouth.”

Police released the 38-year-old after cautioning her for causing harassment, alarm and distress to another person, the Metropolitan Police said.

Officers boarded the Virgin Atlantic flight from Los Angeles shortly after it landed at the airport west of London and arrested Love, who was led to a police van on the landing strip. She smiled at a television camera and covered her face as she walked from the plane, flanked by two officers.

Love was “verbally abusive toward our cabin crew and disruptive,”Virgin Atlantic spokesman Paul Moore said. No one was injured on the Boeing 747, which carried 201 passengers and 20 crew.

Love was upbeat about the nine hours she spent in police custody.

“It was fine,”she said. “They were wonderful in there.”

But she enjoyed her flight less.

“This is my second time on Virgin and my first time wasn’t so great either,” Love said. “I think that I have been flying British Airways for a long time and I will continue to do so.”

Love is in London to attend a fund-raising event at the Old Vic Theater on Wednesday along with Elton John and Kevin Spacey.